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Automated Security, a critical component of digital transformation

Automated Security – The concept of digital transformation for businesses is not new. Yet, it still induces misunderstandings and misconceptions within the company itself. Digital transformation is not just the adoption of new digital tools in the business.

More than an adaptation process, it is actually a question of fundamentally, strategically, and over the long term. Little by little, encouraged by imposed standards, companies have realized that this transformation is no longer an option, regardless of their size, their activity, and their market. Notably, in this pandemic where people are forced to work from home, digital transformation has become essential.

The growth prospects are exponential concerning the opportunities represented by the analysis and processing of data, the use of the cloud in companies, the automation of business processes in the service of customer experience, employee productivity, and overall business performance. Also, it reduces human errors along with saving time and money.

Automate Security with DigiCert

Automation Matters

The company of the future will adopt a new type of organization, where automation and people blend in symbiosis, working effectively together, accelerating the flow of value, as and when required, to customers and all other ecosystem stakeholders. The power of discovery and automation will define the objective of the digital transformation of companies in the near future. Discovery and automation tools are driven by the increased need for speed, agility, and innovation.

Risks Involved in Digital Transformation without Security

While undergoing digital transformation, organizations should also consider their automated security, especially PKI. According to a study, 82 percent of the C- level and IT security reported that they had experienced data breaches as a result of digital transformation.

In addition, security threats continued and became more complex, making them more challenging to detect. DigiCert Automated Certificate management will help you keep ahead of dangers and respond more quickly. A study conducted in 2019 reported that after migration to the cloud, Security had become the second-highest priority for investment.

Consider Automation of Security While Automating Business Tasks

Calendar reminders and excel spreadsheets to manage digital certificates are no longer viable since businesses prioritize the automation of tasks. PKI solutions will automate alerts, validations, certificate requests, renewals, etc. In addition, these PKI solutions protect against data breaches. For example, digital signatures are enabled to automate signatures. It is a fast, easy, and secure technique as it is tamperproof.
In order to ensure data integrity, document validity, and non-repudiation, document signing demands Security. Using PKI standards and protocols, digital signatures use a cryptographic key to protect the contents of the document and identify the signer.

Automated Security with DigiCert Automation and Discovery

DigiCert offers a unified platform for automating and managing your digital certificates, giving you more control and efficiency over your certificate management. Ordering, monitoring, inspecting, renewing, reissuing, and revoking certificates are just a few of the major management operations that CertCentral automates. As a result, you have complete control over the configuration and scheduling of DigiCert automated security.

You will get a handle on how our automated actions are configured and scheduled. Acmetek is committed to providing cutting-edge automation and discovery solutions that can help you streamline security operations, improve web security, and increase your organization’s agility at the best prices.

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