Meet TLM (Trust Lifecycle Manager)

CLM (Certificate Lifecycle Management)

Unifying Certificate Lifecycle and PKI Services.

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Centralizing Trust Management for Enhanced Security and Business Efficiency

In the world where trust forms the crux of all digital interactions, Acmetek brings you the CLM (Certificate Lifecycle Management) – a comprehensive solution for complete certificate lifecycle management. With CLM, gain visibility, control, agility, and increased security over your organization’s certificate landscape.

Our Solution

Trust Lifecycle Manager

Robust Certificate Management for Streamlined Operations and Reduced Business Disruption

Our CLM centralizes control over your certificate landscape, reducing the risk of disruptions caused by expired or misconfigured certificates, outdated algorithms, or rogue activities. 

It streamlines operations by reducing the IT workload and human errors, thereby improving both productivity and security. With its agility, it reduces time to remediation and responds quickly to threats, securing identity and access.

The solution boosts the usability and adoption of client certificates while minimizing security gaps in user or machine provisioning with automated enrollment and certificate renewal.
Moreover, it caters to the needs of different divisions with its quick and flexible CA/ICA creation and flexible enrollment methods.
As a Platinum Elite Partner with DigiCert, our solution integrates with multiple brands of SSL certificates, providing you with a wide range of options for your specific requirements.


Unleashing the Power of PKI for Robust Digital Trust Management

Reduced Business Disruption

Reduced Business Disruption: Our CLM enables continuous monitoring of the certificate landscape, reducing disruptions from certificate expiration, vulnerabilities, or rogue activity.
Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Reduced Business Disruption

Reduced Business Disruption: Our CLM enables continuous monitoring of the certificate landscape, reducing disruptions from certificate expiration, vulnerabilities, or rogue activity.

Streamlined Operations

Streamlined Operations: With automation of manual tasks and business workflows, we reduce overhead, prevent human error, and scale provisioning.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Streamlined Operations

Streamlined Operations: With automation of manual tasks and business workflows, we reduce overhead, prevent human error, and scale provisioning.

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Agility: Our solution responds quickly to threats, reducing time to remediation and allowing for quick, flexible CA/ICA creation.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Agility: Our solution responds quickly to threats, reducing time to remediation and allowing for quick, flexible CA/ICA creation.

Improved Security

Improved Security: The CLM ensures secure identity and access, reducing security gaps in user or machine provisioning with automated enrollment and certificate renewal.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Improved Security

Improved Security: The CLM ensures secure identity and access, reducing security gaps in user or machine provisioning with automated enrollment and certificate renewal.

Increased Usability

Increased Usability: With a broad collection of preconfigured user, device, and server certificate profiles and flexible enrollment methods, our PKI services increase the adoption of client certificates.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Increased Usability

Increased Usability: With a broad collection of preconfigured user, device, and server certificate profiles and flexible enrollment methods, our PKI services increase the adoption of client certificates.

Granular Control

Granular Control: Our solution provides granular control of users, roles, access, and workflows, coupled with reporting capabilities and audit logs for fast remediation.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Granular Control

Granular Control: Our solution provides granular control of users, roles, access, and workflows, coupled with reporting capabilities and audit logs for fast remediation.

Reduced Business Disruption

Reduced Business Disruption

Reduced Business Disruption: Our CLM enables continuous monitoring of the certificate landscape, reducing disruptions from certificate expiration, vulnerabilities, or rogue activity.
Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Reduced Business Disruption

Reduced Business Disruption: Our CLM enables continuous monitoring of the certificate landscape, reducing disruptions from certificate expiration, vulnerabilities, or rogue activity.
Streamlined Operations

Streamlined Operations

Streamlined Operations: With automation of manual tasks and business workflows, we reduce overhead, prevent human error, and scale provisioning.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Streamlined Operations

Streamlined Operations: With automation of manual tasks and business workflows, we reduce overhead, prevent human error, and scale provisioning.
Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Agility: Our solution responds quickly to threats, reducing time to remediation and allowing for quick, flexible CA/ICA creation.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Agility: Our solution responds quickly to threats, reducing time to remediation and allowing for quick, flexible CA/ICA creation.
Improved Security

Improved Security

Improved Security: The CLM ensures secure identity and access, reducing security gaps in user or machine provisioning with automated enrollment and certificate renewal.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Improved Security

Improved Security: The CLM ensures secure identity and access, reducing security gaps in user or machine provisioning with automated enrollment and certificate renewal.

Increased Usability

Increased Usability

Increased Usability: With a broad collection of preconfigured user, device, and server certificate profiles and flexible enrollment methods, our PKI services increase the adoption of client certificates.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Increased Usability

Increased Usability: With a broad collection of preconfigured user, device, and server certificate profiles and flexible enrollment methods, our PKI services increase the adoption of client certificates.

Granular Control

Granular Control

Granular Control: Our solution provides granular control of users, roles, access, and workflows, coupled with reporting capabilities and audit logs for fast remediation.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Granular Control

Granular Control: Our solution provides granular control of users, roles, access, and workflows, coupled with reporting capabilities and audit logs for fast remediation.


Offering Comprehensive Governance through Integration with Multiple CAs and Business Systems


Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Detect, build and manage your certificates with our cloud, network and file scanning capabilities. Gain deep insights into certificate health and status with security ratings, cipher discovery, chain checking, and revocation checks.

Management and Notifications

Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Visual dashboards deliver information where it is most needed. Fine-grained tracking, reporting with audit logs, and defining modes of notification for automating expiration and escalation alerts all aid in identifying and remediating non-compliant certificates and algorithms.


Certificate Lifecycle Manager
Reduce workload with hands-free or one-touch provisioning, installation, renewal, and reissuance. It also offers predefined certificate templates, approval workflows, and access privileges for consistent operations.


Certificate Lifecycle Manager
The CLM integrates with change management, directory services, UEM/MDM, CMS, HSM and other business processes or workflows for a unified view of cryptographic assets. It offers custom integration through REST API.

How it Works

Transforming PKI and Certificate Lifecycle Management with Trust Lifecycle Manager

We acknowledge that every organization has unique pain points and challenges when it comes to certificate lifecycle management and PKI services. Understanding these challenges, we’ve tailored our Certificate Lifecycle Manager to address these issues effectively. We’ve aligned our solution to answer some of the common pain points and questions that you might have.

Have you had certificates expire before they were renewed?

CLM prevents business disruption by reducing the risk of expired certificates. Its automation feature ensures timely renewal of certificates, averting potential downtimes.

Are certificate expirations a part of your risk mitigation strategy for mission-critical applications?

With CLM, you'll have central visibility across public and private certificates. Our solution enables you to monitor the health and status of all certificates, making it easier to strategize and reduce the risk of outages.

Do you have gaps in provisioning and revoking client certificates to employees for authentication to corporate IT resources?

CLM integrates with directory services for zero-touch provisioning. It offers granular control of users, roles, access, and workflows for fast remediation, eliminating gaps in provisioning or revoking certificates.

Are you worried about keeping up-to-date with changes in industry standards (e.g., Post-quantum cryptography (PQC), CA/B Forum)?

CLM allows for quick identification and remediation of non-compliant certificates and algorithms, keeping your organization aligned with industry standards.

These are just a few ways CLM addresses common pain points. In the journey of certificate management, CLM walks with you, offering solutions at each step. Whether you need visibility into your certificate universe, tracking of certificate expirations, automation of certificate installation and renewal, or integration with multiple CAs and business systems – CLM is your partner.

Use Cases

Diverse Use Cases of Certificate Lifecycle Manager

WebPKI: Our CLM solution offers publicly trusted certificates for ensuring public trust.

User & Endpoint Authentication: Leverage CLM for robust identity & encryption protocols when connecting user devices to corporate IT resources like WiFi, application access, VPN access, WFP.

Server Authentication: With CLM, ensure the authentication of network systems and encryption of network traffic, protecting your client-server or server-server communications.

Private Root/ ICA: Utilize CLM for your trust hierarchy needs. From generalized to dedicated private root CAs and ICAs, CLM has you covered.

Customer On-Premise: Address privacy, data security, and data residence requirements with CLM. Deployable in the customer’s network cloud or extended perimeter, it ensures compliance with your organization’s or a region’s data security and residency requirements.

Secure email: Leverage CLM for your inter-organizational trust needs. Whether it’s internal or external S/MIME, CLM helps you secure your email communications.


Flexible Deployment and Seamless Implementation

Wondering about the lead time for implementing a new PKI solution? Or have a specific policy that mandates the use of an on-premise PKI solution? Maybe you need to comply with digital sovereignty regulations? 

No matter your unique requirements, our deployment process is designed to accommodate your needs while ensuring a swift and smooth implementation. CLM can be deployed in your network cloud, on-premise, or extended perimeter based on your specific needs and compliance requirements.

Acmetek’s Certificate Lifecycle Manager is not just a product, it’s a partnership. We’re here to help you navigate through your certificate management journey, ensuring that you have the tools you need to protect your digital assets, stay compliant, and maintain a competitive edge in your industry. Get in touch with us for a demo today!

Why Choose Us

Bridging the Gap: Role-Specific Solutions with Acmetek's Certificate Lifecycle Manager

When you choose Acmetek’s Certificate Lifecycle Manager, you are selecting a comprehensive, scalable, and efficient certificate lifecycle management solution tailored for diverse buyer personas. We acknowledge and address your concerns based on your role and area of responsibility in your organization.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Application Engineering: We understand your responsibility for managing the risks associated with application delivery. CLM helps prevent downtime and breaches, ensuring robust application performance and security.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Security Operations: As you navigate the complex landscape of threat management and cybersecurity, our CLM solution provides agility in remediating vulnerabilities, responding to threats, and preparing for changes in the security landscape.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Server Authentication: With CLM, ensure the authentication of network systems and encryption of network traffic, protecting your client-server or server-server communications.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

IT Operations/Infrastructure & Identity and Access Management: These functional IT groups are most likely to initiate certificate management initiatives. With CLM, we offer an intuitive and powerful tool to centralize certificate management, reducing complexity and enhancing overall security.

The economic buyer for Certificate Lifecycle Manager is typically an IT Architect/Strategist with the responsibility for centralizing certificate management across the organization. They may be driving systems decisions, vendor decisions, and organizational design decisions. CLM’s comprehensive governance and integrations make it a compelling choice for strategic IT leaders.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

C-level Executive: As a C-Level Executive, your focus is on overall risk assessment and maintaining Service Level Agreements (SLA) for the business. Certificate Lifecycle Manager contributes to these goals by mitigating risks associated with certificate mismanagement and enhancing the reliability of your IT operations.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Manager/Architect: You are responsible for the overall performance and direction of IT initiatives. Our solution contributes to your success by streamlining certificate management, enhancing security, and promoting efficient operations.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Security Manager/Director: As the guardians of your organization’s overall security, you’ll appreciate how CLM reduces the risk of expired or misconfigured certificates, outdated algorithms, or rogue activity.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

IT Manager/Director: Efficiency and smooth processes are your key focus. With its automation features, CLM reduces your IT workload, preventing human error, and improving productivity.

Certificate Lifecycle Manager

TLS/SSL Practitioner: Ensuring the uptime of systems, quick resolution to issues, and certificate provisioning falls under your domain. CLM’s monitoring, notifications, and automation features will ensure you maintain the highest standards of operation with ease.

Acmetek has been a trusted partner for businesses across the globe for over a decade. With our Certificate Lifecycle Manager, we streamline your certificate management process, bolster your business’s security posture, and directly address the concerns and responsibilities of your role in your organization. Trust us to help you foster trust in your digital interactions.

Future CLM

Ready for the Future of Certificate Lifecycle Management?

It’s time to take the first step towards a simplified, centralized, and efficient certificate lifecycle management journey. Experience firsthand how our Certificate Lifecycle Manager can transform your enterprise’s IT, PKI and Identity management. Uncover the power of automation, integrated PKI services, and enhanced visibility in your own environment.

Don’t let certificate management challenges slow you down. Discover a solution designed to keep pace with your business’s ambitions and industry’s ever-evolving standards.

Your digital future awaits. Uncover it with Acmetek’s Certificate Lifecycle Manager.

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